Gather and disseminate your fund inventories in one click

Manaos makes your inventory collection and dissemination process
more efficient than ever. Our flexible cloud platform secures and harmonises
data exchanges and gives you access to the most exhaustive look through your portfolio of assets ever.

As an investor, automate the collection of your fund inventories

1. Upload the portfolios you wish to disclose holdings for in one click

2. Through our COLLECTION APP, request access from your
Asset Managers for each inventory once and automate the process by setting up a frequency for your requests

3. Monitor your aggregation process in real time and be sure to meet your deadline thanks to the controls run by Manaos to ensure data integrity, exhaustivity and punctuality

As an Asset Manager, control the dissemination of your inventories

1. Upload your inventory files once on the Manaos     platform. Manaos recognises the file format and     converts it into a standard one. You’re informed     immediately in case of any discrepancy or data     inconsistency.

2. Through the DISSEMINATION APP, centralise the     requests of your investors on our platform and     monitor access requests: your approval is covered     by the confidentiality terms of the Manaos T&C.

3. Take back control of your data: Manaos encrypts     your files with a specific organisation key. You can     monitor each access to it.

Art 29 LEC

Clarity AI

By leveraging technology, Clarity AI offers a comprehensive, end-to-end solution that enables managers to collect all the required metrics across the different sections, conduct thorough fund look-through analyses, and automatically generate the necessary Article 29 LEC annexes.

ESG Controversy Alerts


SESAMm delivers AI-powered ESG controversy insights on millions of public and private companies.

Portfolio Coverage Estimator


Estimate and compare the coverage of your portfolio across all ESG data providers on Manaos in just a few clicks.

Data Extractor


Enrich your portfolio with asset-level scores across a set of multiple sources of ESG data providers in one click.
